Wednesday, September 12, 2018

PET Scan, no new bone lesions

Monday we drove to Denver for Doug's PET scan. Compared to the last scan in 2014, there are no new bone lesions! Very good news! But the radiologist did see some activity in a few lymph nodes. Several small nodes in his chest, and one above the collar bone. The oncologist could not feel anything there. Multiple Myeloma does not usually go to lymph nodes, so it is a mystery. And we are not going to worry about it.

The light chains are high but stable. So Doug will stay on his current regime of Pomalyst and Prednisone. No infusions yet! Doug will get blood drawn every month for the myeloma panel (to check light chains), and we will see the oncologist every two months.

It was a long 14 hour day from start to finish but a good day! No weather or traffic problems.
Praise God, and blessings to all.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Cardiac stress test, Ten years after diagnosis

Doug stopped the Ninlaro with the oncologist's approval, since it wasn't working anyway. His fatigue has lessened some.
Last Thursday we drove to Colorado Springs - a two hour drive each way - for Doug's cardiac stress test. We had to leave at 5 a.m., well before dawn. I took the first half of the drive since I can see a little better in the dark. We had quite a bit of fog. The stress test was via nuclear medicine, since he has a heart stent. We won't get results for a while.
After that, we had time to get lunch, then on to an appointment with the glaucoma specialist. Doug's eye pressure is high in the eye that got the Zen Gel stent last November. So he has to go back on prescription eye drops. The other eye is already on eye drops. Doug is losing more eyesight. We go back in two months.
We got home about 4:30 p.m.  A long day but safe travel.

Monday we will have another long day, this time in Denver, with the PET scan and oncologist appointment.

We are past the ten year mark!

Love to all.