Thursday, November 29, 2018


Yesterday we drove to Denver for our routine appointment with Doug's myeloma oncologist. We know that Doug's light chains have been steadily creeping up over the last few months. Dr. M felt there was time to wait before changing Doug to a different treatment, because he has been doing very well clinically (no symptoms other than the rising light chains). Doug had a PET/CT scan done 9-10-18 to check if there were any active lesions - none were seen. So we continued on with the "watch and wait".

Yesterday, since the light chains had climbed to 471 mg/L, Dr. M said it's time Doug thought about starting the new treatment. But he said we could afford to wait until January.
But while Dr. M was doing his physical exam on Doug, we pointed out a lump on his upper right arm. This lump was there at the September appointment, but both the myeloma doc and our nurse practitioner at home thought is was just a lipoma (benign fatty tumor). But it has been growing. Dr. M palpated it and this time he said it could be a plasmacytoma, which would be part of the myeloma (cancer of plasma cells of the blood). So Dr. M phoned a colleague of his and off we went to radiology where a core needle biopsy was done with ultrasound guidance. We are so glad it could be done the same day. We should hopefully get results tomorrow.

Dr. M says if it is a plasmacytoma, Doug will need to have it treated with radiation, and after that, he will need to start on a new treatment as soon as possible. This would be via infusion, not pills.

We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow!

More soon.