Today Doug had his infusion, cycle 11 which means 11 months on this daratumumab treatment. More snow was falling on our drive to Salida, some low visibility but roads were passable.
Doug's ANC (absolute neutrophil count) was 0.7 - too low to qualify for treatment. Minimum ANC for treatment is 1.0. The neutrophils are part of the white blood cells - very important part of the immune system.
We thought Doug would not be able to get his infusion, but the nurse called Dr. A, the oncologist, as is required.
Dr. A consulted by phone with the Denver specialist and they came up with a plan. Doug got the dara infusion, but he is not to take his Pomalyst pills for a week. That sounded good to us. So nice to have the two docs working together.
This week Doug's important blood counts were:
- WBC 2.6 (normal is 4.5 to 10.0)
- HGB 11.6 ( " 14 to 18)
- PLT 135 ( " 130 to 400)
- ANC 0.7 ( " 1.8 to 8.3)
Gammaglobulins very low as they have been.
We have much to be thankful for:
Despite low immune system, Doug has not had an infection. Of course we are being careful.
Safe travel on Thanksgiving and today.
Two oncologists who work together on Doug's case.
Great infusion nurses.
Our family.
Wonderful neighbors who clear our driveway.
Friends who pray for us.
Too many blessings to list!
Love to all.
"Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord." Psalm 27:14