Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day + 62 -- slow but sure

We have been home for three weeks today. Doug is continuing to do well and is stronger every day. His blood counts are low, but "not alarmingly so" according to the oncologist. He still has occasional dizzy spells due to some of the meds and low blood pressure, but as long as he is careful when bending over it hasn't been a big problem.

A lot of the dietary restrictions are lifted now. We had our first "restaurant meal" today -- takeout from Subway. And Doug went into a store for the first time since the transplant -- we went to the local hardware store for a few quick items. Those of you who know Doug won't be surprised it was a hardware store. We have friends coming from Omaha to see us the first weekend in June, so that will probably be our first real restaurant outing. We are just supposed to avoid crowds and make sure the food is freshly prepared.

The transplant social worker called yesterday to check how we are doing. We were happy to report that both of us are doing well and enjoying our home. We continue our daily walks, sans cane.
I have been doing a lot of yard work; thank goodness our yard is a manageable size. The tulips are finished blooming and the bleeding hearts are now in bloom. The climbing roses have buds. Mowing the lawn hasn't been bad at all. I have had to remind Doug that he can't do yard work for at least another couple of months. As he feels better he wants to be doing things but runs out of energy quickly. He putters a bit and helped me hang some decorative birdhouses on the fence today.

Life is good, praise the Lord!

Love to all.

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