Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cancer Support Group

Our drive back to Edwards yesterday was uneventful. We've been fortunate in travel conditions. Today will be radiation treatment number six and things are going well. Doug has taken no pain meds today - yea!

Today at noon we had a cancer support group here at Jack's Place. Two couples, including us, and two women attended. A social worker with nursing background (or the other way around) lead the group - we all introduced ourselves and told why we are here. One guy told of an 'out of body' near death experience he had ten years ago. He described it as a textbook case: he was up above his body and could see everything. He said he felt an absolute calm, peace, and joy before he returned to his body -- and that now he has no fear of death. Several of us said how we found it very comforting to know that this life is not the "real" one.

I have been guilty of letting my mind run ahead too much -- looking too far ahead in the future and anticipating problems. That's not good.

“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength.”                                                                    unknown

"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."  
 Matt 6:34     The Message

Beautiful thought, just what I needed.

At the support group today we learned of a clinical trial for relapsed myeloma. It is a study of an investigational new drug - carfilzomib. Definitely something we will look into when we see the oncologist.

Stay strong, all of you!
Love to all.

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