Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Dream

I don't usually remember dreams, and I have never put a lot of stock into interpreting dreams. But last night I had a dream that was crystal clear and I could remember details. I wrote it down when I got up.

I am standing on a bridge. It is large and wide, wide enough for cars. The bridge rests on huge round concrete looking support pillars. It looks safe, and I am holding onto a sturdy railing. I start walking - the only things I can see are the bridge ahead of me and the sea underneath. I am walking confidently but I don't know where I am going. There is no one else with me.

The bridge gets narrower, and suddenly the center drops out - I have only a few inches to walk on. I grip the railing and walk carefully. The foundation is still strong. I am careful not to look down at the sea, but I can hear it. Don't look down!

The planking sometimes gets wider again and the large hole in the center disappears. A thick fog rolls in; I can't see ahead. I have to hold on or I might fall. The ocean is below. The bridge surface is not smooth anymore - it has some holes in it - I almost step through a hole. Hold tight to the railing. Keep walking, the railing will hold me. I feel scared because I can't see anything. Is there a sharp turn ahead? Will the bridge suddenly end - will I fall off? Hold on tight. The bridge will not fail if I hold on to the railing.

The fog lifts but all I can see is the bridge ahead and the sea below. I feel calmer - I don't seem worried and I keep walking.

That's all; no dramatic ending. The bridge foundation is my faith in God; the railing is my trust in Him. The sea is Multiple Myeloma; the holes are Worry. I am not sure what the fog represents.

 The future is unknown. Hold on to the railing.

2 comments: said...

I think you dream interpretation is right on. Before I got to that point I was on the same page as you. Love you both. Cheri

Barb said...

Don't ever believe dreams don't mean anything!