Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Still waiting

Our appointment for the radiation oncology consult got pushed back a week. The doc had to lighten her schedule because she is recovering from some orthopedic surgery.
So now we have an appointment for next Tuesday December 18 to see her. We will stay overnight at the outpatient residence Jack's Place and Doug will have a PET/CT scan the following day. Then we go home and wait for a phone call telling us when to come back. I hope treatment is not delayed too much because of Christmas week holiday.

Doug now has to wear a compression stocking on his left leg. It seems to be helping the swelling. There is an art to putting those things on!

Last week I had become quite anxious because of all the delays. I had to "Let go, and let God." Now I can say that we both have "the Peace that surpasses all understanding".

Verse for today: 
"May the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all."  2 Thessalonians 3:16

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