Friday, April 3, 2020

Hanging in there

Doug had his infusion yesterday. This time the 'gatekeeper' nurse was just inside the entrance; two weeks ago she was outside. This time in addition to just asking us questions, she took temperatures. A good idea. Then she gave us a sticker to wear while in the building. And told us to use the hand sanitizer.

Doug weighed 158, down two pounds but a decent weight. His labs were good:
ANC was 2.2    Last time it was .9 so that's a big improvement.
WBC     3.8
HGB     13.0
PLT       216
 His nurse drew blood for the myeloma panel that checks his cancer markers. We should get that result in a week or so.

The infusion clinic sure looks different with all the curtains pulled closed. We used to be able to talk with other patients, although at a distance. Now we can't even wave hello. The nurses are still their usual calm, comforting, cheerful, capable selves.

I was talking with Doug's nurse about the public wearing masks and I said I was going to start that when in the grocery store. She gave me a mask - one of the volunteers had made and donated a pile. Of course they are not medical grade but I think it's a good idea for these reasons:
It keeps people aware to keep away. If it makes me look sick maybe they will stand farther away!
It reminds me not to touch my face when out.
It might be some protection to others if I cough or sneeze. Although I will still sneeze into my elbow.
The downside to wearing a mask - it might give people a false sense of protection.

Our Colorado governor just put out a message asking the public to wear face coverings in public. Good move!

Our church is doing a good job of keeping us connected while we can't physically go to church.
On Sundays the service is live streamed on YouTube. Last week our pastor said he wasn't preaching to an empty church. The camera panned around the seating - there were big cardboard cutouts of famous people and cartoon people in the seats. Funny! And now we are getting daily devotionals from our pastors emailed out. We know we can call the church if we need anything.
If anyone wants to check YouTube, search for Clearview Community Church.

Verse of the day:
"May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ."   2Thessalonians 3:5

Love to all.

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