Friday, May 15, 2020


This morning as we were getting ready to leave for infusion, Doug noticed a bump just above his port. (On his chest). It was small, but it wasn't there yesterday. We told the nurse, who told the oncologist - and she came to see it; thought it looked suspicious. The oncologist called a surgeon who has her office just down the hall from oncology. The surgeon said she'd like to biopsy it. Luckily she had a spot open after Doug finished his Kyprolis infusion.
I was allowed to be in the room (in the surgeon's office) while she did an ultrasound and then biopsied the lump. When she got tissue out, she said it looks like a plasmacytoma to her. Of course it will take a few days to get the pathology report back because it will be sent out for an outside opinion.

In December of 2018 Doug had several plasmacytomas and needed three weeks of radiation in Edwards CO.
A plasmacytoma is a group of myeloma cancer cells that grow outside the usual area. Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells of the blood. The myeloma lives in the bone marrow and thus in the bones. Extramedullary plasmacytoma consists of cells that are aggressive and migrate to soft tissue. This is not a good thing. To have it happen while on a new drug is also not a good sign.

 We are thankful it was caught early and biopsied early. We hope Doug will not need radiation, but if he does, at least it is not winter like last time when we had to drive back and forth on wintry roads.

I like those WWII signs that say "Keep Calm and Carry On". That is what we will do.

Here is a quote I found that is appropriate:

"Father, I am here waiting for You. My heart and hands are open to Your purposes and plans for my life. Give me the patience I so desperately need and lead me in my waiting. Though my feelings may not be there just yet, I believe You are moving on my behalf right this minute, protecting, defending, preparing, providing. Give me grace to keep trusting in You in the face of the gale force winds of doubt that are blowing all around me. Anchor my heart in You. Amen"   Louie Giglio

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