Friday, January 24, 2020

Infusion, PET/CT scan scheduled

Doug had his dara infusion yesterday. His blood counts qualified him for infusion -
ANC       1.3
WBC      2.9
HGB       12.2
PLT        135

He weighed 158 - a good number for him.
His blood pressure was a bit low at 127/42. The nurse repeated it and it was the same. He's had low BP before but the diastolic (bottom number) isn't usually that low. As long as he doesn't get up fast and pass out, it's not really a problem. He knows how to deal with it.

We got results from the myeloma panel that was drawn 1-9-20.
Lambda light chains went from 12.0 to 12.6. A slow rise which doesn't seem alarming to us.

We got a phone call a couple days ago from CBCI (Colorado Blood Cancer Institute). It was the nurse navigator for Dr. Matous, Doug's myeloma specialist in Denver. Dr. M wants Doug to have a whole body PET/CT scan February 19. We were surprised at this since Doug just had a PET scan last August which did not show any new lesions. The nurse navigator explained Dr. M wants another scan because in December the cancer markers doubled. The Lambda light chains went from 6 to 12, a big jump.

We will go to Denver for the scan - that's where Doug's previous scans were done. Dr. Matous will see us the same day at 1:00 p.m. Check in time for the scan is 8:30 a.m. so we will have to leave early. But we should be able to get on the road for home in plenty of time so we won't have to drive in the dark. I don't mind so much driving in the dark when we leave home in the morning; we are on familiar roads and traffic is not bad.  Being able to see Dr. M the same day is wonderful!

Doug has been feeling okay but today he feels like he might be getting a cold. Just a slight scratchy throat and more tired. No fever. He's taking meds and not doing much.

Our son Kelly and daughter in law Jamee came to see us last Saturday. Always good to see them! We are blessed.

We still have snow on the ground but our streets are clear for the most part. This winter has been colder than usual so we are not having our usual snow/melt-the-next-day cycles. Snow covered mountains are beautiful.

Today's verse:
"The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless."   Isaiah 40:28-29

Love to all.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Another dara infusion

Doug had his biweekly dara infusion yesterday. His blood counts were better. Last week his ANC was 1.0, barely qualifying. Yesterday it was 1.4.
WBC was 3.2
HBG  was 12.4
PLT     "    205.  Not bad for a chemo patient.
He weighed 157 - up a pound. His appetite has been pretty good now that the Revlimid is out of his system.

While Doug was getting the dara, I climbed all the stairs in the building several times. And I had a good conversation with a gal I know whose husband was also getting his chemo drugs.

The rapid rate infusion only takes 90 minutes once the infusion starts. Doug was finished by noon. He did get his cheeseburger for lunch!

At the next infusion we will have the results of the myeloma panel, which shows the cancer markers. And we are scheduled to see the local oncologist.

Love to all.

Message for today:
"May God ignite fresh faith in you today.
May you pray with clarity, precision, and power.
May you stand on His Word and hold fast to His promises. 
May you refuse to fixate on your difficulties, and instead fix your eyes on Jesus -
the One who will finish what He started in you.

He is always good, always true, and He WILL come through for you!
May the Lord overwhelm you with an awakening of faith, hope, and love today. 

Look up and be blessed."

from Blessings for the Morning and Evening
by Susie Larson