Friday, December 4, 2009

So far, so good

We got the results of Doug's most recent blood panel -- good news. No signs of myeloma cells in the blood. Another "whew"!  Dr. Myers, our local oncologist, said that he isn't worried about Doug's kidney function although the BUN is rising and was 24. So if he isn't going to worry (yet) then we won't either.

So we continue to be very fortunate. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving -- great to be surrounded by grandchildren, not to mention all the good food. On the way home from Pueblo we took a scenic route and had a spectacular view of the snow capped Sangre de Cristo mountains ahead of us. Then a little while later a coyote crossed the road about 200 feet in front of us. He was a big handsome fellow and was out hunting. We saw him pounce on his intended meal, probably a rabbit.

Doug is fighting a sore throat but it is getting better, so he has some disease resistence, yea! 
We hope all of you are well.

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