Friday, February 21, 2014

Stable kidneys, MM still in remission

Last week Doug saw the myeloma specialist in Denver. The Lambda light chains keep rising: one month ago it was 138 mg/L. This time it was 151. Although that is high, the Kappa/Lambda ratio is .22 which is not too bad. So the specialist says the MM is still in remission; and the rising light chains are due to the kidney disease. He wants to keep seeing Doug every two months.

We saw the nephrologist last Wednesday in Fairplay. She thought Doug's blood counts were good, and the ankle swelling has not changed. The  creatinine is up to 1.21 (last month was 1.10) but not bad yet. Serum albumin is low but tolerable for now.  Since Doug is losing protein in his urine, his liver is working hard to keep the albumin (protein) level in his blood. The nephrologist explained that the liver also makes the clotting factor, so Doug is at risk for clots. The revlimid also carries a clot risk. She is satisfied that the low dose aspirin is adequate for now. On long drives compression stockings would be good. We don't plan on flying anywhere.

The protein/creatinine ratio is down just a hair, from 5131 last month to 5122. Since it has not risen, the nephrologist won't start him on Prograf yet. She wants to keep doing monthly lab work, and she wants to see Doug in three months. Unless the creatinine rises, in which case she might opt to see him sooner.

So overall, we are happy. Still in remission, and stable kidney disease. Doug looks and feels pretty good. His knee pain is much less. He did go to the orthopod who took x-rays of the knee; it showed arthritis. No treatment needed for now. These are good times.

Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Barb said...

God is good! Give DougUms a great big hug for me!