Friday, April 25, 2014

Light Chains Rising again

We had Doug's appointment with the myeloma specialist. His light chains have been steadily rising for the past few months, although they are not truly alarming yet. In February his Lambda light chains were 150; now they are 197. The Kappa/Lambda ratio is low at .14. The last time Doug relapsed his light chains got up to 830.

Dr. M said this could be  a first sign that the Revlimid might not be holding the cancer back. He is not going to change anything yet, but will keep a close eye out. Doug will get labs in two months before the next appointment. Dr. M did say Doug might need to change to a different drug.

This is not welcome news but not surprising. Revlimid has worked well for five and a half years, holding Doug in remission. We have always known that at some point the cancer would outsmart the drug. The most likely next drug would be CyborD, which is a three drug combo. We'll wait and see.

Meanwhile Doug has been doing very well. Aside from knee pain and some digestion trouble, he feels good. We are planning our part in our church's Vacation Bible School again this year.

Spring is coming to our mountain valley in fits and spurts. We've had some beautiful days, and some chilly days. Still plenty of snow on the mountain tops. Beautiful.

We are so thankful to God our Father for each day He gives us.

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