Friday, August 21, 2015

Lambda Light Chains Go Up Again

Last week we had the monthly myeloma specialist visit in Denver. He said he is happy because Doug is feeling good. So at this time he does not want to start Doug on chemo. Sounds good to us!

Today we got the results of the special myeloma panel blood work. The Lambda light chains are up again (from 77.88 last month to 130.02 this month) and the Kappa is down again. The ratio is .07 now. Not good, but as I keep saying, we expect to see this - it's inevitable. At some point treatment will need to be restarted, but for now we will keep enjoying this "chemo vacation".

We have done a few geocaches, and today we walked a path by the river. A friend gifted us with a used elliptical machine, which Doug is able to do; he needs the exercise. We are both using it. I was going to say 'enjoying' it, but that's a stretch, at least while we get used to it.

Doug is getting acupuncture for his peripheral neuropathy. He's had several treatments, and although he can't tell any difference, I think his gait is better. No telling if the acupuncture is working, or if elapsed time is helping. Either way, life is good. Praise God!

Love to all.

 “The man who has forgotten to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.”   Robert Louis Stevenson

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