Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Endoscopy and Colonoscopy

Doug has been having some G.I. issues, so today he had an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy. As many of you know, the prep is the worst part!
Here's what the surgeon said: "Diverticulosis throughout colon. Start using Metamucil fiber supplement. Subtle area of thickening was biopsied. Endoscopy - Inflammation of stomach and first portion of small intestine. Hiatal hernia is evident but no inflammation of esophagus. Took several biopsies."
It will take about two weeks to get the biopsy reports back. We are not too worried about that.

I can't help but wonder if all the drugs Doug has taken over the last ten years is playing a part in the unhappy G.I. tract. We'll never know.

The light chains continue to rise. The latest MM panel was done Sept 25. The Lambda light chains went from 187 to 223. Definitely high but it's been higher. When Doug relapsed in 2015, the Lambda light chains were 269. So we know a change of treatment is ahead, just not when. Doug will get another blood draw towards the end of October. We trust the myeloma specialist will take action accordingly. It's not easy to wait but we're getting plenty of practice!

The weather here is delightful. Chilly evenings and nights but no hard frost yet. Days are mostly warm and the trees are beautiful shades of yellow and gold. We hope to see snow on the mountains soon!

We celebrated our 40 year wedding anniversary last week! The date is actually Oct 2, but because of the prep, we celebrated a week early. We took a day trip to Colorado Springs, did some shopping and enjoyed lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant.

Love to all.

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."    Isaiah 41:10

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