Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Denver Myeloma Specialist

Yesterday we went to Denver to see Dr. Jeff Matous, the myeloma specialist who supervised Doug's stem cell transplant in 2009. Doug has been with him ever since.
We last saw him November 28, when he found the plasmacytoma on Doug's arm and ordered radiation. Doug's infusions are under Dr. Oatis in Salida, our regional hospital, but Dr. Matous oversees everything and works with Dr. Oatis to make decisions. We are fortunate that the two doctors work well together.

We think the world of Dr. Matous; he specializes in multiple myeloma and is brilliant. He is also very caring and sees his patients as individuals. He always asks what Doug is up to - he encourages Doug to be as active as he can. He is very interested in quality of life, not just how long his patients live, but how well they live. Plus he has a sense of humor and is fun to talk to.
Since Doug started with Dr. Matous, his oncology practice has grown quite large. He now has two excellent nurse practitioners who work closely with him and they also see patients. So when we get to see Matous himself it is a real treat.

Dr. Matous said Doug's fatigue is most likely from the Revlimid. We have been blaming the daratumumab. Matous said that if Doug remains so fatigued, he would consider lowering the Revlimid dose again. But we have to wait and see how it goes when the dara infusions go to every other week. Tomorrow is the last of the every week infusions.
Even when the dara is only every other week, the Revlimid stays at three out of four weeks, and the dex (steroid) stays weekly. The Revlimid and dex are oral drugs, so he takes them at home.

Dr. Matous is pleased with Doug's response to the treatment. That is very encouraging!

Matous said to watch out for any more plasmacytomas (soft tissue tumors); they can happen even under treatment, although it is rare.

I drove both ways to Denver, without problems. Doug is not confident enough of his eye sight yet to drive far. It was a beautiful day. We go the extra long way. I won't drive on I-70. We allow three hours each way. Denver traffic is always busy so we allow a cushion of time.

Our little dogs had a play date at a good friend's house while we were gone. That means a lot to us.

So it was a good day all around. Tiring, but good.

Love to all.

Today's verse:
I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.    Psalm 59: 16-17

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