Friday, August 9, 2019

PET scan results good

On August 5 Doug had his PET scan; it was a comparison study to one done last September 10. Both were done at Presbyterian St. Luke med center in Denver. It showed no new lesions - that's what we were hoping for!
It did show multiple old lesions in several ribs, right hip, right tibia and others. A PET scan can differentiate between old and new lesions.

One thing is mentioned that is new - "new consolidation peripherally in the right upper lobe of the lung." Consolidation means 'alteration of lung tissue from an aerated condition to one of solid consistency.' That could mean infection. Dr. M's nurse called to ask Doug if he was having any coughing. Which he is not. So because he is not symptomatic, no one is worried at this point.
We see Dr. M in Denver on September 4, and we are confident he will check it out.

Because Doug's scan was scheduled for early Monday morning, we drove to Denver on Sunday and had a wonderful visit with our son and daughter in law Kelly and Jamee and one of the grandsons. It was great to have some time with them.

Doug had Mohs surgery on his right ear two days ago. He had a spot of squamous cell skin cancer, but it's thankfully gone now. Looks like it is going to heal well.

I had to have a toenail removed July 31 and tissue removed for a biopsy. I had a streak under the nail that was suspicious for melanoma. Today I got a call that there is no evidence of cancer! Thank you Jesus!

We are praising God for so much this week.
Doug's next infusion will be August 22.

"I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety."   Psalm 18: 1-2