Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sick, cancelled Denver doc

We were supposed to go see Dr. Matous the myeloma specialist in Denver today.
But Doug got sick last night. I left home for a meeting at 6:30 in the evening. When I got home at 8:30 Doug was sick; he had been vomiting, had diarrhea and clammy skin. No fever.

So in the morning I called and left a message to cancel our appointment. The nurse called back and asked a few questions and said to call if needed.
Doug did get a little sleep. When he woke up I took his temp - 97 degrees. He ate a little, drank fluids and went back to bed. I've been taking his temp about every hour. It went up to 99.2 at 5 p.m. but went back down to 99 shortly after. I will keep checking it, but he feels a lot better and has been eating small amounts. I'm not going to get too excited but will stay alert. Fevers in an immunocompromised person can't be ignored.

We did get a rescheduled time - for September 17 at 8:15 a.m. That's early! It takes us 3 hours each way since I avoid the busiest roads. But that was the only date that let us see Dr. M and not the NP, so I took it. We could use prayers that I will be able to see well enough in the dark.

Last time I wrote I told you that Doug was gaining weight. The docs had taken him off Revlimid two weeks before the ear surgery and two weeks after, so he felt pretty good. Now that he has been taking Rev again, he dropped a couple pounds. He is eating as much as he can and gained some back. Two steps forward, one step back. That's the way it goes.

Our lovely neighbor brought food to us this afternoon. Sweet.

God's blessings to you all.

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