Friday, March 13, 2020

Cancer marker jumps up

Doug had an infusion March 5, and a blood draw for a myeloma panel that is done once a month. We got that report back, and the Lambda light chains rose from 11.7 on Feb 6, to 17.1. That's a relatively big jump. The highest it's been in a year. But the pattern has been that the light chains go up and then back down again. The Denver specialist says he likes to see a "trend" which would be 3 months of a steady rise, before changing anything. So we will wait and see what the next two months bring.

Yesterday the hospital massage therapist gave Doug a 30 minute massage. This was not an infusion day. She focused on his left thigh - the area that lit up on the PET scan. We were curious to know if she could feel anything in the soft tissues. She said there was some muscle tightness, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Doug has been using the recumbent bike, and he is lifting light weights - only 3 pounds. We are focused on increasing repetitions, not increasing weight. I'm very glad that he is motivated to exercise.

Like most of our friends and neighbors, we are trying to stay calm about the Covid-19 situation. Doug is considered high risk; he has been on self-quarantine before the new virus, but he did go to church with me last Sunday. We sit so he is on the end of the row, not in a crowded area. Our church just sent out a notice that this Sunday church service is cancelled, so everyone should stay home, but there will be a service live-streamed. Probably for the best.

We continue to be thankful for our many blessings!

One of my favorite bible verses is Isaiah 41:10 -
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

Love to all.

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