Thursday, August 13, 2020

Weaker now

 Over the last ten days we have seen changes. Doug has lost strength in his legs. He can't go up or down steps, even using the walker. We found that out when we were at our neighbors, on their deck. He would have fallen if our neighbor hadn't been right there to help him. 

He is able to get around the house with the walker, so that is good. A good friend from church brought over two kinds of wheelchairs to loan us. One is a lightweight 'transport chair' and the other is a regular type. And we now have a ramp down into the garage, so we have a way for him to get outside. Our church is loaning us the ramp - aluminum and not too steep. Two friends delivered and installed it for us. Our son and daughter in law had already come and helped me clean out part of the garage to make room for the ramp. 

 I wanted to try going for a 'stroll' in the neighborhood a couple days ago, so Doug humored me and got into the regular wheelchair. I backed him down the ramp and away we went. Our street has a slight slope to it; we don't even notice when walking or driving. But pushing a wheelchair is different. We felt every rock and incline. We didn't get as far as I intended. I was concerned that maybe I wouldn't be able to push him all the way up the ramp. He asked me to walk to the mailbox (not far away) while he waited in the garage. When I got back - less than two minutes later - the wheelchair was empty and Doug was gone! He had walked up the ramp using the walker! Smart man - he said it wasn't hard and he was careful. I was so relieved to find him in the house and no harm done. Now I need to practice pushing the chair up the ramp with some weight in it. I'm not as strong as I thought! Our neighbor says he will come over if I wimp out going up the ramp.

Doug has maintained his usual good attitude. He is amazing. We have amazing friends too. Some have brought food - and beautiful homemade bread. A few days ago a friend who is a professional violinist called and asked if she could come over and play for us. Of course! She had it all worked out - she was on the patio - Doug and I were on the deck. And a few neighbors came over and sat in lawn chairs to enjoy the music. All with social distancing and masks.  Noelle played a few hymns, some classical and some bluegrass. She played for a whole hour and even took requests. What a wonderful time it was! 

 We had a mystery gift too - yesterday when I walked out the front door I discovered a gorgeous display of art on the sidewalk - not chalk but an inscribed rock surrounded with marbles arranged just so. Each marble has a rose painted on it. The rock says "God's Love is surrounding you!" It is a sweet encouragement. I finally found out who did it, after everyone claimed to know nothing. A dear friend who is an artist, and her daughter. We didn't hear a thing, not even the dogs. 

Doug has been eating well and is maintaining his weight. He is having ongoing trouble with his eyes; he does listen to audiobooks. He never complains. The hospice nurse comes once a week. 

God is giving us the grace to live one day at a time. 

I'm closing with the words on a card from friends:

"Five things God wants You to Remember in Trying Times - You're never, ever alone. Nothing takes Him by surprise. When you're weak, He is strong. He's the God of new beginnings. His love never gives up on us."

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