Monday, May 4, 2009

Day + 46 -- content at home

Doug continues to make slow but steady progress. He is very content to stay home and rest. Today he went with me in the car when I ran a few errands. We are both adjusting to our "new normal". When I am outside, I change shoes before coming in the house, rinse the dishes in bleach water (since we don't have a dishwasher), keep the dogs away from Doug and of course we both wash our hands a lot. I have to avoid crowds and am not supposed to let people give me hugs. That one is hard.
I did go to church yesterday and it was great to see so many people who have constantly prayed for us.

Doug still gets tired very easily and I think that will continue for quite a while. He also has a hard time getting warm enough. He sits in his recliner with a blanket, wears a warm hat and has the heat on. Luckily at night we have an electric blanket with dual controls! The transplant team would prefer recently transplanted patients to sleep in a separate room and have their own bathroom. Not an option in our small house, so I just try to keep things as clean as possible.

Life is good.

Love to all.

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