Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day + 55 -- Look ma, no cane!

We have been home two weeks as of today. I think Doug has made amazing progress, especially over the last few days. His appetite is approaching normal. A couple of days ago he said that pizza sounded good, so I made homemade pizza and he ate two pieces.

He is still anemic, gets cold and bundles up, wears a hat inside, but that will pass. We have been extending the distance we go on outside walks. He is going up to five blocks now, with a rest or two. Three days ago Doug started walking in the house without his cane, and today he went outside without it. His strength and balance are beginning to come back. The walker is in storage in the garage.

He has his sense of humor back! I love to hear him laugh and make jokes.

We went to the new cardiologist in Salida yesterday. He said that Doug's heart is sounding okay and to keep up with the heart meds. Doug's blood pressure is low, but as long as he is not dizzy we should not worry. We will go back for a repeat echocardiogram in August.

We went to Salida again today - this time to see the new oncologist. He did blood work and will monitor Doug between our visits to the transplant physician in Denver. Doug will resume his Zometa infusions every month; that is the biophosphanate which builds and strengthens bone. We are very glad to have doctors in Salida, which is only 30 minutes from Buena Vista. Beats going to Denver all the time. We also have our primary care nurse practitioner here in town; we go to her for any ordinary problems.

Doug's recovery seems nothing short of miraculous to me. I do sometimes have "flashbacks" when I remember some of the horrible things that happened, but those will get fewer and farther between.

Those of you who are praying for a complete recovery -- your prayers are working!

Many thanks and love to all.

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