Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good checkup but "Mild Kidney Damage"

Yesterday we went to see Doug's oncologist in Salida, Dr Adam Myers. He sees Doug every two months.
Results of the last "multiple myeloma panel" blood test (that is sent to the Mayo Clinic) shows no evidence of any plasma (myeloma) cells in the blood -- good!

However, Doug now has "mild kidney damage". Doug's Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) last October was 59. Now it is 47.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a test used to check how well the kidneys are working. Specifically, it estimates how much blood passes through the tiny filters in the kidneys, called glomeruli, each minute.

When I asked Dr. Myers if that means that Doug has kidney damage, he said "Yes, mild damage."
He didn't elaborate, so I surfed the web to find out more. I try to be careful of sources so I went to

"According to the National Kidney Foundation, normal results range from 90 - 120 mL/min. Older people will have lower normal GFR levels, because GFR decreases with age.
Levels below 60 mL/min for 3 or more months are a sign of chronic kidney disease. Those with GFR results below 15 mL/min are a sign of kidney failure."

I really don't like the drop from 59 to 47 in three months time. Dr. Myers doesn't seem overly concerned at this point.

We know that MM can affect the kidneys. Pieces of monoclonal antibodies, known as light chains, frequently end up in the collecting system of the kidneys, sometimes permanently damaging them by interfering with their filtering function.

Not much to be done except to keep Doug hydrated - so I will keep encouraging him to drink a lot. Encouraging morphs into nagging very easily!  It wouldn't hurt to limit salt intake either.

Meanwhile, life is good -- we are walking more, as weather allows. We look forward to taking the truck camper out and going to Texas next month.

Love to all.

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