Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cardiology visit, Cough

Feb 10 we went to Colorado Springs, to Doug's cardiologist, Dr. Cole. He did an EKG and said it looks "fine". He has doubled the dose of Coreg, the beta blocker; this he said is because the intial dose was started off low and he feels increasing it will help the heart to stay strong. Dr. Cole says Doug doesn't need to see him again for a year, unless problems arise. The pacemaker will be checked twice a year by the tech. Sounds good to us.

Doug wore a mask in the cardiology office since he has a cold. The evening we got home Doug started to really cough. He coughed so hard that he hurt his back. He was sitting at the kitchen table and the pain was so intense that he could not get up. Two Dilaudid tablets and 30 minutes later he moved to the recliner. I was afraid that he had done something to his bones; we know that some of his bones are "spongy" due to the MM.

Next morning we went to our local clinic and Doug was seen by a young woman D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) who is excellent. X-rays did not show any bone damage -- whew! And the chest X-ray didn't show any pneumonia, another Whew! So Doug got a diagnosis of bronchitis and muscle spasm. We filled 3 prescriptions for muscle relaxer, antibiotic, and cough medicine. If he develops a fever we were told to call the clinic right away.

So Doug is temporarily sleeping in the recliner and taking it easy. At least the Winter Olympics are on, so there is something to watch on TV. And I have new library books to read. Life is still good.

We had to cancel the Zometa appointment so I don't have any new kidney numbers. And we are putting off our trip to Texas -- that's a bummer. But it could be worse.

Love to all.

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