Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Light Chains Up

Doug had his appointment with the local oncologist a few days ago. Report from the myeloma panel that is done every three months shows a rise in his Lambda Light Chains. Last value was 1.54 mg/dL which was in the normal range. This time it is 3.01 - not the direction we want it to go. This is above normal (normal range is .5700 - 2.63) but not alarming yet. The oncologist says to wait the usual three months until the next test and see what that shows. If it is a definite upward trend, then it means the current chemo is not enough to control the myeloma. Doug would have to go on a different drug. The good news is, there are some new myeloma drugs out there.

When Doug relapsed in late 2011, his Lambda light chain number was a whopping 83 mg/dL.

Quality of life is still excellent. Doug looks and feels healthy, has energy and is doing a lot. His other blood counts are hanging in there pretty good.
We have done quite a few home projects this year, some hired out and some we did ourselves. Our next project is staining the new fence, and then we'll be planting some shrubs. Our new house doesn't have a lawn to maintain, so that is a relief. No mowing, only pulling weeds out of the gravel. I will be planting flowers in pots instead of big flower beds.

We haven't traveled anywhere but we are happy just being homebodies. Our old house is under contract and expected to close June 24; that will be a day to celebrate! It has been on the market a whole year. A wonderful younger couple is buying it and they are excited. A blessing is that they are already doing most of the yard work over there.

Our mountain tops still have snow (love that) but our weather is warming up finally. God is good, and we know He is faithful. Life is good.

Love to all!

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