Friday, August 2, 2013

Creatinine up, Zometa denied

Well it has been quite a while since I've posted here.

Doug has been feeling good and we've been busy. We volunteered together to be station leaders for our church's vacation bible school all last week. It was rewarding to help the kids come to understand God's love for them, but it was exhausting at the same time. Thankfully it was only mornings, leaving afternoons for rest! We had great music and the energy of the kids was catching, so we have to say it was a very positive experience.

We have been able to go hiking together up in the mountain forest trails. Calling it hiking is a misnomer - we kind of mosey along, stepping off the trail when actual hikers pass us. Just getting out and walking in the woods and mountain air, sometimes beside burbling creeks, is a wonderful tonic.

We've resumed going to yard sales on weekends, something we have always enjoyed. Since this is a small community, we often see friends while bargain hunting.

Now for the medical news. On July 24 Doug went for his Zometa infusion. The required preliminary blood work showed a high Creatinine level - 1.6, above the cut-off level of 1.4. BUN was also elevated at 19. The local oncologist would not approve the Zometa, feeling the danger to Doug's kidney function was too much. So Doug has to try again in one month. Meanwhile he is really trying to drink a lot of water. (Something I have given up nagging him about, since nagging did not affect his lack of hydration. It was hard to resist saying 'I told you so' but I bit my tongue.)

Doug's ANC was 1.9 which is very acceptable while on maintenance Revlimid.

The local oncologist is retiring this month. We are sad to see him go, but he deserves to retire - he's in his mid 70's. The local hospital did manage to find a replacement, but just in the nick of time. After doing a bit of research on the new oncologist, we are leery and won't be depending on her for much.

Doug has an appointment with the myeloma specialist in Denver for August 15. By then we'll have the results of the latest myeloma panel. The last two have shown an uptick in light chain numbers. If this pending one also goes up, we might be facing a change of chemo. We are waiting and hoping that won't be the case.

Love to all.

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