Friday, February 8, 2019

Caregiver Stress

The second infusion on Thursday went well - no reaction. We got to the infusion center at 8:00 a.m. and left at 4:00 - much faster this time.  No driving in the dark!
The infusion nurses take such good care of their patients. Heated recliners (with massage) help a lot when one is sitting for such long times. Caregivers don't have recliners but I had a comfy glider; the rocking action is nice. Patients can eat during the infusions; Doug got breakfast - he didn't know what he wanted so the nurse brought him a tray of hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and bacon. Portions were huge! He will ask for smaller amounts next time.

When the massage therapist gave Doug his foot massage, she noticed a rash on his feet - because of his impaired immunity, he has athlete's foot! The oncology NP looked at it and prescribed a cream. We have an appointment to see the foot/ankle Dr on Monday. Don't want that to get out of control.

So next week we have three medical appointments: foot doc on Monday, optometrist on Wednesday, infusion on Thursday.

I'm thankful that Doug is able to tolerate the treatment so far, and for his good attitude. He is very patient with my driving and never complains. He is a man of faith.

I am experiencing some caregiver stress. It's hard to relax, sometimes hard to sleep and sometimes I get irritable and have low energy. I think most caregivers experience this over the long haul.
 I have been reading the Psalms and talking to God, and writing in my prayer journal. We can be honest with Him, and "vent". I know God is always with me; I have to ask Him every day to guide me. And He does! I think it is during hard times that we grow closer to God. I experience stress when I 'forget' to turn it all over to the Lord and trust Him unconditionally.
Talking to treasured friends and playing with the pups is a big help too. And going to see my nurse practitioner.
I thank God that He enables me to be a caregiver.

Love to all.

Verse for today:
You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. 
Psalm 18:28

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