Thursday, February 21, 2019

Scleral lenses work! Infusion on hold.

The good news first - Doug can see much much better with the scleral lenses! This is an answer to prayer. He has to get used to wearing them before we know if he can drive. And he has to get used to putting them in and taking them out. So far it is tricky; there is a little suction cup thingie to use for insertion after filling the cup of the lens with a sterile solution. He has to hold his head horizontally so the fluid stays in the cup. Getting them out was difficult the first time. It's a learning curve for sure. But we are thrilled that they work - the optometrist was excited too; he wasn't sure they would work.

The bad news: the chemo infusion was not given today. Doug's white blood cells are too low. Normal WBC (white blood count) range is from 4.5 to 10. Doug's was 2.0.
The white cells that fight infection are the neutrophils. Doug's ANC (absolute neutrophil count) was .9 - normal range is 1.8 to 8.3.  So Doug does not have normal infection fighting ability right now. He is officially neutropenic. Not what you want to hear during flu season!

The oncologist wants to wait and see if a week off treatment will bring the counts back up without using Neupogen.
We are hoping that a week off treatment will perk Doug up, especially the fatigue. He is also losing  his appetite some.

This is all part of the roller coaster on a trip in Cancerland.

Love to all.

Today's verse:
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you."
1Peter 5:7

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