Thursday, April 16, 2020

Stop Dara/Pom

Back in July Dr. Matous, the Denver specialist, said that if Doug's Lambda light chains get to 300mg/L he will change treatment. They have been slowly rising since then but the latest myeloma panel showed a big jump from 171 to 290. Dr. A, the oncologist at our local hospital has talked to Dr. M and they agree that Doug should stop the daratumumab/pomalyst/dex combo.
The infusion that was scheduled for today was cancelled.

Dr. Matous has told us in the past that if the dara/pom fails, he would go to Kyprolis and dexamethasone. Kyprolis, also known as carfilzomib, is a proteasome inhibitor. It's been around for a few years. It is administered as an infusion. It has a long list of possible side effects, including heart complications. Doug had heart failure (temporary) when he had his stem cell transplant in 2009, but his heart recovered very well. But since he has a history, he has to have an echocardiogram done before he can start Kyprolis. Dr A called and told us that. We are waiting to get that scheduled.

We got a call from Denver today telling us that Doug will have a video call March 27 with Dr. Matous.

This is not good news, but it is not a surprise to us. It is part of the roller coaster that is living with Multiple Myeloma. We spend a lot of time waiting for the other shoe to drop but we do not focus on that. One day at a time.

That's all we know for now.

Here is a quote from Jesus Calling, one of my favorite devotionals.

"I am training you in steadiness. Too many things interrupt your awareness of Me. I know that you live in a world of sight and sound, but you must not be a slave to those stimuli. Awareness of Me can continue in all circumstances, no matter what happens. This is the steadiness I desire for you. 
Don't let unexpected events throw you off course. Rather, respond calmly and confidently, remembering that I am with you. As soon as something grabs your attention, talk with Me about it. This is how I live in you and work through you. This is the way of Peace. 

Love to all.

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