Saturday, July 18, 2020

Doing better

Last Monday Doug started taking percocet for his back pain. He started on one pill every 4 hours but that didn't help the pain much. So the hospice nurse said to give him two pills and keep track of his pain level. After a couple days the pain lessened. But he started having some mental confusion. We are blaming that on the two percocet. So we have backed off to one percocet and he is clear headed now. I am thinking that soon he can do without the percocet - then the next goal will be to walk without the walker. He is taking a couple naps a day - that's good I think.

Friends have been bringing us food; they are much appreciated!

Today we had a very nice day. Our son Kelly and our daughter in law Jamee came up to see us. Jamee brought her famous beef burritos with green chile sauce and all the toppings. Jamee is a fantastic cook.
After we ate, Kelly and Jamee did all the kitchen clean-up. They are spoiling us.

While Doug was resting, Kelly helped me with a yard project that I had put off. Jamee and I carried rocks while Kelly figured out where to put them. I just have a little to do to finish it up. We have a tiny deck off the sliding door - I call it our deckette. It will hold one chair at an angle, so Doug will be able to sit out there if I'm working in the yard.
We have the best son and daughter in law!

So far Doug is being careful and using the walker faithfully, so I can relax a bit.

Monday we have a video chat with Dr. M, the Denver specialist. And Thursday the hospice nurse is scheduled to come. I can call her if I have a question or problem before then.

Love to all.

Verse of the day:
"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."  Matt 6:34  The Message

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