Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Doing okay

Doug is doing pretty well. He has no pain, praise the Lord. He walked to the mailbox with me this morning. At a slow pace and using a cane, but it's so good that he gets outside. His appetite is good - he's eating well. I think he's feeling better with the chemo drugs washing out of his system.

Dr. Matous, the Denver specialist, is keeping up with Doug. We had a telehealth visit with him on July 6. We didn't realize he would be following up like this. He wants to check in every two weeks via video. I know part of the reason is for his own learning, since Doug is now a somewhat unusual case with the aggressive plasmacytomas. But he also really does care about his patients and does not drop them after referring to hospice, unlike some doctors. He asked how we are both doing with hospice, and how Doug is feeling. We told him having hospice is a comfort. He is a compassionate man. He wants to "see" us again on July 20.

Last Monday Doug's brother drove up from Denver. We had a good visit and went out to lunch - first time since Covid started. We sat at an outdoor table that was spaced far from the others. There was a nice breeze and we had an umbrella for shade. We had a lovely time.

Today was a good day. Our Pastor Tom called and came to see us. We always enjoy his visits. He's a dog person and the dogs are sure he comes just to see and pet them!

Doug's hospice nurse Alexis made her scheduled visit this afternoon. She said some people do so well on hospice that they graduate and come off hospice! If that happens they can go back on when needed. Alexis will come again on July 23. The dogs were so happy that two people came to see them!

We are keeping it slow and simple, looking for blessings and appreciating the cards and phone calls from friends. Most days I join Doug for our 'siestas' after lunch.

Love to all.

Today's verse:
"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." 
Psalm 32:8

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