Saturday, January 26, 2019

Eye Surgery Coming Up

On the 24th we saw the glaucoma specialist. Doug's right eye pressure is good (he's had many procedures on that eye and already has lost some vision). The left eye needs something done because the pressure is rising. The specialist said we have a few options, but some would require frequent trips back to Colorado Springs for follow up. That won't be workable for us, since Doug's infusion is coming up and we don't know how that will affect him. So we decided on diode laser eye surgery next Tuesday. It is called "cyclophotocoagulation". A laser is used to destroy part of the ciliary body which produces the aqueous fluid that increases eye pressure and damages the optic nerve.
It is usually only done after other more conservative surgeries have failed. And they have. It is also only used if the vision is already very poor. That is true also. The procedure will not reverse any loss of vision that has already occurred. The goal is to stop or slow down further loss of vision. Of course we can pray for a miracle that his vision will improve!
The good part is that our local optometrist can do the follow up.

Our schedule is full. Eye surgery on Tuesday January 29. The next day is a rest day. Thursday January 31, Doug will have his first infusion of the new cancer drug daratumumab (Dara for short). The first infusion is given very slowly so the nurses can monitor closely for side effects. We are told to expect 8 hours time. At least this will happen at the hospital 30 minutes from home.

A lot is going on quickly but time is of the essence. Yesterday, January 25, Doug had the surgery to put in the port for the infusion. He has a few days to rest up before Tuesday!
Our faith is keeping us strong. God is holding us up. Otherwise we would not be still standing!

Love to all.

Verse for the day:
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you. 
Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you. 
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

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