Saturday, January 12, 2019

Plasmacytomas shrinking

We are home for the weekend. The everyday things we take for granted seem like luxuries - like sleeping in our own beds and having the dogs curl up beside us for naps. I am reminded that we need to be thankful for little things as well as the big ones.

Our drive home yesterday was slow; roads were snow-packed. The weather reports said I-70 was icy in spots; we decided to come home on Hwy 24 which is a mountain road with hairpin turns but often better than I-70 which is so busy and frequently shut down because of wrecks. Visibility was immediately better on 24; the short bit we went on I-70 was so slushy and heavily traveled that we had to run the window washer almost constantly. All was well until we came up behind a semi truck that was going 15 mph. Unusual to see big trucks on Hwy 24. At least he was able to keep going uphill. For a long while there was no opportunity to pass because of all the curves. Finally I got a chance to pass. Our Subaru handled the snow pack very well. I had to use my winter driving skills and go slow but that's ok. I didn't feel scared - I knew God was protecting us.

Our good friends brought the dogs home yesterday, and they also brought us supper! Hamburgers fresh off the grill; what a treat! Friends like this are part of God's abundant provision, and we are so thankful.

Today we got the road grime washed off the car and can see what color it is. I'm doing a lot of laundry (ability to do laundry at home is another little thing to appreciate). We are also kicking back and just relaxing.

Three more radiation treatments next week. The radiation oncologist can see the plasmacytomas (you can just call them lumps) are beginning to shrink. Very good news!

Love to all.

Verse for the day:
"Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day."  Lamentations 3:23

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