Monday, June 1, 2020

Final path report from Mayo

We just saw the final pathology report on the lump that was biopsied on May 15.
Mayo says it is a plasmacytoma! There was a question of possible lymphoma, which would be a second cancer, so this is the best of two possibilities.

Part of the Mayo report reads:
"The neoplastic cells are positive for CD38 and CD138 and contain monotypic cytoplasmic lambda immunoglobulin light chains." 
The daratumumab that Doug was on for 15 months, starting January 2019, targets CD38. That obviously was not working!

Dr. M, the Denver myeloma specialist, says the plasmacytoma was present but not visible yet when Doug began the Kyprolis. So rather than jump into radiation on the lump, we will wait and hope that it disappears with the Kyprolis treatment.

Doug's leg/feet swelling is a bit worse - noticeable but not too dramatic. It is one of the side effects of Kyprolis. We continue to keep an eye on it. 

The most common Kyprolis side effects are:
Low red blood cell count
Tiredness (fatigue)
Low platelets
Trouble breathing
Swelling of the lower legs or hands

So it could be worse! 
"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it."
Psalm 118:24

Love to all.

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