Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day + 13 -- CT scan, more fever, worn out

I didn't post last night -- too tired --so just a quick update. Yesterday Doug's neutrophils (ANC) were up to 738, very good. The docs say that usually by the time the ANC is 500, fevers are gone and patients are off antibiotics. But Doug is still having persistent fevers and they can't figure out why, so are doing a CT scan of his chest. They are being proactive - if they find something then they can find a weapon to attack it, instead of letting it get worse.

I am concerned but trying not to be too anxious - the doc did tell us that a CT was a possibility a day or two ago, but they wanted to take a wait and see approach. Guess they are done waiting.

Meanwhile Doug is struggling to eat a few bites of solid food. Breakfast yesterday consisted of half a popsicle. He drank a milkshake in the afternoon. He is taking short walks and doing some bedside exercises. Everything is a huge effort but he is really trying. His body is worn out and with all the hospital routine he is not getting much rest.

I am getting worn out too, physically, can only sleep 4 hours even with a sleeping pill, and feel brain-dead at times. I'm leaving soon for the hospital - the nurses do shift-change reports now at the patient bedside so I can find out if anything happened during the night.

I do think that Doug's body is trying to heal but it might take a long time.

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