Monday, April 20, 2009

Day + 32 -- from walker to cane

Spaulding Rehab

Doug is making very good progress with both occupational therapy and physical therapy. With OT he did arm exercises and a load of laundry! OT does mainly upper body strength and is concerned with any activity the patient might need to do at home, from personal hygiene to chores. With PT Doug progressed from using a walker to a cane! And he worked on climbing stairs. He will use the cane only when with PT for now, since he just started. I am permitted to help him move around in his room but we use the walker.

His therapy sessions total three hours -- today was two hours in the morning (with breaks) and one hour in the afternoon. They really put him through his paces but that is why he is at Spaulding. Doug was very tired but he accomplished a lot.

The cardiologist stopped by and said that Doug's heart "sounds good". Very encouraging.

Eating is still a problem. Doug lost another pound since yesterday. His face is looking gaunt. The dietician came by and said that at mimimum he needs at least 3 Ensures a day plus a milkshake and whatever food he can eat. She started an official calorie count.
I cannot control the eating problem and have turned it over to God. I feel less stressed now.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your path."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Love to all.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Pat, We sent you a care package at Staybridge so you might keep watch. I mailed it today -Tuesday morning. Thanks for keeping us all updated!