Monday, April 27, 2009

Day + 39 -- still good

Staybridge hotel

This morning when Doug woke up he said "I'm hungry." Those are beautiful words to hear!

We also woke up to a beautiful snowfall. Snow is so pretty when we don't have to go out.

I was talking to a woman in the laundry room this morning. Her husband also had a stem cell transplant, with complications. His throat swelled and he had to have an emergency tracheostomy, but he is doing okay now. These transplants are dreadful, but when a transplant is the best chance of getting to a remission, it doesn't seem like much of a choice. And of course one doesn't think of such horrible complications ahead of time.

Tomorrow we have two outpatient appointments -- with the cardiologist and the transplant physician. Maybe they can cut back on some of the meds that Doug is taking.

"God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way." C.S. Lewis

What are the lessons we are learning? I don't think I know them all yet, but one of the things I have learned is that God is good, and he does answer prayers. And that when I think I can't go on, if I pray I will get the strength.

Love to all and thanks for the prayers that got us to this point!

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